Unleash your potential and transform your life with these empowering stepsĀ Ā 

Ā TRANSFORM your life.

  • Optimise your weight

  • Enjoy more energy

  • Improve strength, flexibility & mobility

  • Sleep better

  • Cope better with stress

  • With personalized support, if you like!

Is exercise enough?  

Exercise alone won't cut it. You need to cultivate resilience, nourish your mindset, and build a healthy relationship with food for lasting results.  

Let's supercharge your journey to success and BREAK the cycle of setbacks for good!

 For Your Wellness

MembersĀ will receive:

  • practical guidance on what and how to eat
  • how to develop and maintain a positive mindset
  • videos with challenging and guided exercises
  • personal guidance along the way

The For Your Wellness system is broken up intoĀ MODULES, each withĀ a specific theme to take you from where you are and forwards.

This is what I've been looking for! Sign me up


Here are some of the MODULES and the benefits you will get from each:

Get started

  • Have the correct mindset - to maintain your momentum
  • Improve your focus - for a healthier brain
  • Enjoy the moment - and give to others

Imagine the future

  • Enjoy a better posture - to love your back
  • Enjoy good food - to love your body
  • Enjoy better health - to love yourself

Change for the better

  • Beat your cravings - and control your living
  • Improve with pilates - to avoid injury
  • Enjoy your snacks - and have more fun

Better mobility

  • Define your why - and beat your setbacks
  • Start moving more easily - to enjoy more freedom
  • Improve your breathing - and live a calmer life

Get to the core 

  • Strengthen your core - and love your joints
  • Care of your back - and reduce the risk of pain
  • Improve your cardio - and enjoy better heart health

Gather momentum

  • Consider your lifestyle - to enjoy health and aging
  • Eat and lose weight - and improve your happiness
  • Enjoy being grateful - to live a better life

Plan smart 

  • Your meal plan - take control of your eating
  • Live your why - and be your authentic self
  • Sit better - to safeguard your future health 

Make this a habit

  • Value of habits - to conquer the day
  • How habits work - to break bad habits
  • Benefits of exercise - to make the most of today

Your lifestyle 

  • Examine your lifestyle - to lead a better lifestyle
  • Break a habit - start a good habit
  • Control your cravings - and improve your quality of life

Start to sweat 

  • Ramp up your exercises - and improve your mood
  • Improve your diet - and enjoy each day
  • Love your heart - to develop a healthy cardiovascular system

The good and the bad 

  • Control your brain - and control your thoughts
  • Identify your stressors - and reduce your anxiety
  • Be more mindful - to enjoy the present

Your new life 

  • Your way ahead - enjoy a better lifestyle
  • Reduce stress - and be a calming influence
  • Measure your improvement - to celebrate your gain
Sounds great! I want to JOIN

PLUS each month you get TEN 30-45 minute video classes as well as various short 10-20 minuteĀ express sessions focusing onĀ specific muscle groups.

Pilates & Stretch

Pilates focuses on helping your body move better, as you gain awareness of your posture, strengthen your core and improve flexibility.

Strength and Tone

The combination of strength and tone training allows the body to reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass.



These are moderately high-intensity and high-impact options to ensure the class is perfect for you.

It’s a super fun way to get your heart rate up, burn calories and tone your muscles.


Learn relaxing techniques in our Mindfulness sessions. You can do this as often, whenever and wherever you would like.

 For Your Wellness


 Hi, my name is Nicole Richardson.

After graduating as a Biokineticist (Exercise Scientist), I became an expert in body toning, posture, injury prevention, rehabilitation, nutrition, fitness training and more. 

I'm confident I can help you to a better future. Say bye-bye to food cravings and a negative mindset. Hello, life you desire! 

With boosted motivation, discipline, and energy, you will start living a better life and avoid future health issues.

I'm sure I will be transformed. Sign me up

What others say: 

Marianne Fourie 

"When I started sessions with Nicole I could hardly move and thought I would be having a back operation in my future. I haven't looked back!! Nicole never let's up keeping you motivated and encouraging you to keep on keeping on!"

Dalenae Olyane

"This program has given me a new lease on life, and I look forward to achieving even greater health & fitness milestones going forward."

Des Joubert

"After months of pain, I am now pain-free! I have become stronger, more flexible, and enjoy greater well-being. All in the comfort of my home & at a time that suits my ever-changing schedule."

You have already tried different gyms and fitness programs. 

You know that it's very easy to lose your level of mobility, flexibility and cardio fitness. This is often not so much about how you exercise, but it's also about MINDSET and NUTRITION.


  • Feel embarrassed because you know that your eating habits are hampering your fitness
  • Too often lack the discipline and motivation to exercise regularly and with intensity
  • Have nights when poor sleep makes it difficult to push yourself like you normally do
  • And when you have pain, training becomes more and more difficult

Imagine feeling invigorated, unstoppable, and radiating confidence in every step you take.

I want to be part of this community

It takes time to improve your lifestyle, but the benefits are well worth it.Ā 

Three simple yet life-changing reasons why you, should join For Your Wellness

  • lasting and optimum weight
  • move quicker - without pain
  • feel more energetic

Conquer your fears. Conquer your bad habits. Conquer your cravings. MOVE and move more. Move quicker. Move gracefully. Move with more meaning.

It's time to do the things that are going to make you fell better about yourself and be a better person to others.

Join For Your Wellness today!


Join here

Only R395 per month - cancel anytime with no penalty